Purdue football is as hot as it has been in over a decade. And we are giving 18 good reasons to join our community.
For a limited time, you can sign up for an annual GoldandBlack.com membership and get six additional months FREE.
If you are a new user: sign up here.
Returning free users, and past subscribers, can sign in first and sign up here.
That's 18 months for the price of 12, and the price of 12 already breaks down to just 27 cents per day.
You won't want to miss our wall-to-wall coverage of the Boilermakers as they enter the meat of their Big Ten schedule. It's coverage and community you won't find anyplace else.
Oh, and Purdue basketball and its anticipated 2017-18 season and the Boilermakers' defense of their Big Ten title is just weeks away, too, in addition to it being peak recruiting season in both football and basketball.
There's so much going on and you won't want to miss a thing.
Be sure to use the promotion code PURDUE6 at the bottom of the sign-up page.
Our offer ends Oct. 20, 2017.